North Shore - Concrete Repairs for Garages and TTC

Bid Drawings - Combined Sets (click to expand/collapse)
Bid Drawings - Individual Sheets - North Shore Garage (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
S000 Cover Sheet and Drawing Index 184.2 KB
S001 1.9 MB
S100 355.3 KB
S101 416.3 KB
S102 525.2 KB
S103 414.0 KB
S104 404.3 KB
S105 408.6 KB
S106 412.8 KB
S107 375.3 KB
S200 367.9 KB
Bid Drawings - Individual Sheets - Tribute to Children Memorial (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
S000 Cover Sheet and Drawing Index 176.7 KB
S001 1.6 MB
S100 427.1 KB